Call for Workshops
We invite you to submit proposals for one-day or two-day workshops in any area related to the field of system and software product lines. In particular, workshops on challenging, emerging areas related to the conference topics are especially sought.
We particularly encourage proposals for highly interactive and collaborative workshops, rather than mini-conferences.
The expected dates of the workshops would be September 14th before the main track of the conference.
Proposal format
Workshop proposals should be authored by at least two organizers, preferably from different institutions, and they should contain the following three sections and address each corresponding point:
1. Organizers *
- Name: organizers’ full names.
- Contact information: affiliations, job titles, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, URLs, and phone.
- Brief biography: 100-200 words, focusing on the organizers’ expertise in the field and experience as workshop organizers.
2. Workshop content
- Title: workshop title and acronym.
- Abstract: max 150 words describing the workshop (suitable for the conference’s website).
- Topics and motivation: What are the topics, themes, area of interest?
- Proposed format: Planned format, backup plan, collaborative interaction.
- Potential participants: Expected number, information from previous workshops.
- Length: Minimum time (hour & minutes) that workshop can be run.
*this application is for universities or public research institutions only.
Date for the opening of submissions starts on March, 15
Deadline for submissions of proposals will be May, 31 (Anywhere on Earth) ***EXTENDED
Please address your proposal to with subject: [Workshop proposal]